We firmly believe
in the power of healing stones and Reiki, thanks to Deb Chapman of Chrystal
Paths. She is a very dear friend and has saved many of our horses with her
healing. She introduced us to the "Stone Ponies' several years ago and we
became addicted. They are powerful and easy ways to help and/or heal many
of our daily problems. When we give them as a gift, along with an
explanation of what they do, we receive rave reviews on how much they have
All ponies
come in a small, clear container as you see them displayed in here. They
have a nylon cord attached for use as a necklace.
Be sure to check the bottom of this page to learn how to cleanse your healing
stones from the negative energies they will absorb.


Defuses negative situations and turns
them around. It is very useful in
Feng Shui as it grids
against geopathic stress in your home or garden. It
diffuses bad situations and turns them around, reinforcing
your thought and leadership abilities, allowing you to see
both sides of a situation and then help find the answers.
It calms anger and irritation with others. Aventurine
stimulates emotional recovery and enables living within ones
own heart.
Physically aventurine relieves migraine headaches as an anti
inflammatory and heals skin eruptions and allergy/sinus
symptoms. Aventurine benefits the nervous system, the
thymus gland, balances blood pressure and lowers cholesterol,
it soothes the eyes, and heals the adrenals, lungs, sinuses,
heart, muscular and urogenital systems too!
3 in stock as of December 2013
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BLOOD STONE is also referred to as heliotrope in Greek which simply means sun turning. Many believed that the sun turns red when this stone is immersed in water. Polished stones were escribed to reflect the sun. Bloodstone comes with dark green color with spots of red almost resembling droplets of blood. It based its name from the stone’s appearance. It was also believed that bloodstone had special powers for reasons that as it was formed when drops of blood fell and stained jasper at the foot where Jesus was crucified. It was dubbed the “Martyr’s Stone” as it was used in sculptures representing martyrdom and flagellation.
Bloodstones were believed to be a magical stone in ancient times. Touching the stone simply stopped hemorrhages. Ancient warriors carried with them bloodstone amulets for reasons to stop the bleeding whenever they had wounds.
Bloodstones are also known as stones of courage. It improves physical strength, enhances self-esteem and self-appreciation, and calms anxiousness. It promotes love for family and enhances wealth by improving the business and its legal matters.
The bloodstone also fights evil and prevents jealousy. It boosts your spirit and adds longevity. It eases a broken heart and brings good fortune. Whenever the stone becomes blood red in color, this signals the wearer about any upcoming danger. And up to this day, powdered bloodstone is used as aphrodisiac and traditional medicines in India.
Bloodstone also enhances creativity and intuition. Bloodstone drives away the negative environmental energy, which helps in the overcoming of influences like electromagnetic or geopathic stress. It revitalizes and induces dreaming. It gives you courage and helps you avoid harmful situations. This also promotes idealism and selflessness. . This soothes and revitalizes the mind, enhances decision making, and eliminates confusion. Bloodstone minimizes aggressiveness, impatience and irritability.
Bloodstone provides physical aid in treating anemia, blood disorders and enhancing blood flow. It strengthens the immune system and detoxifies. It eases menstrual and menopausal symptoms. And it strengthens the heart, liver, kidneys, intestines, and bone marrow. It minimizes pus formation, neutralizes toxins in the body, and invigorates the lymphatic system, which leads to the healing of infections and inflammations. However, stone therapy should never replace medical treatments. It is there to enhance a person’s health and well-being.
3 in stock as of December 2013
$15.00 each |
(deep, dark blue sometimes w/cream) is a
stone that unites logic with intuition, and can help with
meditation as it helps with one's drive for truth, while
maintaining the ability to be true to yourself. It clears
electromagnetic pollution and can be
placed between
computers and you. A particularly effective stone for group
work...it brings harmony and solidarity of purpose,
nurturing trust and co-operation to the group, while
encouraging your own
independence. A stone for the mind, sodalite clears confusion, encourages rational thought and
action, while helping you verbalize those thoughts and
feelings as it calms you.
Sodalite balances emotion,
wonderful in a crisis or panic attack, it clears and
releases oversensitive feelings, fears, phobias, guilt and
the feeling of being controlled by others
enhancing your
independence, self worth, and self trust.
Physically sodalite balances the metabolism, overcomes
calcium deficiencies, cleanses the lymphatic system and
other organs, boosting the immune system, treats the throat,
vocal cords, larynx, and is
helpful with hoarseness and
digestive disorders, it can cool a fever, lower blood
pressure, and
stimulate the absorption of fluids in the
4 in stock as of December 2013
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(multi colored with aqua, purple
and clear) cleanses, purifies, dispels, and reorganizes
anything within the body that is not in perfect order. It
is effective against geopathic and computer stress, it can
heighten your intuitive powers, making you more aware, and
overcomes chaos within the physical, emotional or mental
body. Fluorite dissolves fixed patterns of behavior and
gently opens the door to the subconscious bringing
suppressed feelings to the surface for resolution, it
dissolves illusions and reveals truth, while imparting
increased self confidence.
Physically fluorite is a very powerful tool in dealing with
teeth and bones disorders, protecting against viruses
especially colds, flu, and sinusitis, it regenerates skin,
mucus membranes, the respiratory system, it heals ulcers and
wounds. For mobilizing stiff joints stroke it across the
body toward the heart, and it will clear all body pain and
nerve related pain like shingles and other similar
afflictions. (palm stones are the most incredible soothers
and healers). Keep one in your pocket, by the computer or
bedside, or in bed, taped or worn close to your body,
fluorite will soothe and heal.
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will cleanse and gently energize your auric field.
It is calming stone that helps to strengthen family
loyalties and give you the ability to sense who is a true
friend and to see through scams. It encourages working with
others and unity when working with animals. Dalmatian
Jasper is a wonderful stone for those who work in the
veterinary or animal fields.
Dalmatian Jasper is the perfect stone to wear when you need
help to view your own strengths and weaknesses. This form
of Jasper also helps to keep you grounded to the Earth. A
superb gift for a friend as it also represents loyalty and
long term relationship.
It is also a protection amulet for those who suffer from
nightmares, negative thinking, depression and also helpful
in keeping one relaxed and in good spirits.
Dalmatian Jasper is a fantastic stone for telepathic
communication with animals.
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(metallic silver gray) is very effective
at grounding, while harmonizing body, mind and spirit.
It dissolves negativity and protects any from entering your
aura. A good stone for the timid man or woman, it boosts
self-esteem, enhances willpower and imparts confidence
helping you come to terms with mistakes and to accept them
as learning experiences rather than disasters. It
stimulates concentration, focus and memory.
Physically Hematite has a strong connection to the blood
supply, it helps with Reynauds disease, anemia,
bruises, contusions, burns and blistering...placed on an
injury, it will slow bleeding and minimize the bruising, for
burns it cools the heat easing the pain, placed at the top
of your spine, hematite helps with spinal manipulation by a
chiropractor, physical therapist, or Reiki practitioner.
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ONYX Enhances self mastery, steadfastness, and determination, setting ones mind to a task. It is grounding stone and can be used to deflect or absorb the negativity of others, and in that way is a good stone for protection from negative forces and influences. More powerful for people in recovery when combined with Amethyst - The Stone of Sobriety.
Onyx helps you become the Master of your own Fate.
- Valuable in difficult or confusing times of our lives.
- Absorbs and flattens emotional intensity. Helps to smooth out the "Roller Coaster Ride" of emotions.
- Protection: A good stone for Entrepreneurs and Inventors, to repel negative energy surrounding other peoples opinions or ideas.
- Detachment: The ancient Egyptians believe that it could cool the ardors of love and actually cause arguments between lovers to the point of separation! Use Onyx for self-protection or to keep away or end unhealthy or bothersome emotional entanglements.
- Letting Go: Extremely helpful to people who are having trouble letting go or releasing the past or attachments and moving on after a relationship has ended, sometimes years past the event.
- Change: Helps release old beliefs and patterns that no longer serve us.
- Visions, and guidance through meditation and dreams.
Excellent stone for initiating the process of centering and alignment of the total person with a Higher Power. It helps us to absorb whatever energy we need from the Universe. Reduces Sexual desire. Balances and grounds.
8 in stock as of December 2013
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(brick red, can include brecciated jasper which has hematite
within it) is gently energizing while it grounds and helps
with unjust situations. It supports in times of stress and
brings problems to light before they get too big to handle.
It makes a great worry stone calming emotions when stroked
and held. Placed under a pillow it helps with good dreams
and dream recall, it can cleanse and stabilize your auras
and chakras.
Physically Jasper is a stone of good health, and strengthens
and detoxifies the blood system and liver.
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Picture Jasper (tan) helps one find stability and balance. Benefits
ailments that result from environmental pollution. Boosts
the immune system and assist in extracting pollutants and
toxins from the body. Keep in mind that this process takes
some time since Jaspers work slowly. Helps one become more
ecologically aware. Well suited for use by people who wish
to relive past events through regression or analysis.
Picture Jasper encourages ecological awareness, bringing
stability and balance. It contains a message and/or
“picture” from the past. Picture Jasper is a stone of
proportion, harmony and stimulates creative visualization. It helps to bring hidden thoughts and
feelings - griefs, fears, guilt, envy, love, hope - to the
surface, to be released. Brings comfort and alleviates
fear. Picture Jasper stimulates the immune system and helps
treat disorders of the skin and kidneys. |
6 in stock as of December 2013
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Opal Quartz is clear quartz which has been enhanced with pure platinum... the molecules of the platinum, adhere to the natural electric charge which surrounds the quartz crystal and are not removed by rubbing or scraping.... these crystals combine both the properties of quartz and platinum to produce a very intense energy... in addition, this crystal form also cleans the aura.
With its iridescent, rainbow colouring this little cluster has a channelling face, with a twin termination and is vibrant with life. Holding it elevates your senses and brightens your mood as its colours flash in shades of gold, pink, violet... it is actually really hard to capture on film as its colours twist and turn.
It is heavily keyed bringing answers on the wings of angels. There is some damage, 'pre' the platinum coat, making it a warrior crystal.
It is said that opal aura quartz puts you in mind of the angels. Meditating with crystal allows you to easily move beyond the body and fly freely often meeting angelic guides. The DTs allowing for the transferral of information and gifts from guides. Holding it brings purification, the release of stress and movement into a deep sense of peace.
Opal Aura Quartz assists with remembering past incarnations, insights into our spiritual purpose, the ability to channel higher knowledge, and the opportunity to commune with loving spiritual entities... all of these things take place in a 'bubble' of peace, tranquility and contentment.
4 in stock as of December 2013
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(rose petal pink) is the stone of
infinite peace. It purifies and opens the heart at all
levels and brings with it deep inner healing and self
esteem. In existing relationships, it will restore trust
and harmony as it draws off negative energy while it
strengthens empathy and sensitivity. Rose quartz is an
excellent stone for mid-life crisis, keeping it close can
help with positive affirmations. Emotionally it is the
finest healer and releases pent up feelings and emotional
Physically rose quartz strengthens the physical heart and
circulatory system, cleanses impurities from your body, if
placed on the thymus it helps chest and lung problems, heals
the kidneys, adrenals and helps with vertigo/dizziness from
travel sickness. Rose quartz can increase fertility when
wanted. This stone in an elixir can soothe a burn and its
blistering. This stone is also very helpful with
Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and senile dementia.
4 in stock as of December 2013
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(mottled dark salmon pink w/black) is an emotional balancer
helping you see both sides of any issue, while stimulating
clear thought and understanding. A useful first
aid stone (I often refer to it as a boo boo stone with
children), it heals emotional shock and panic while lending
supportive energy to the soul in times of need. *This
stone can be particularly effective in dealing with cases of
those who are self destructive {ie. cutters, those with pre- suicidal
thoughts, alcoholics and drug abusers}. Rhodonite clears
away emotional wounds and scars from the past or present and
helps to heal those painful emotions, a helpful stone to
turn back insults
and help with any desire to retaliate or
seek revenge because it promotes calm in dangerous or
upsetting times and eliminates confusion.
Physically rhodonite is an excellent wound healer and can
relieve the pain and irritation of bug bites. It reduces
scarring, affects good bone growth, improves hearing, can
help with tinnitus (ringing in the ears) by fine tuning the
auditory vibrations, treats emphysema, joint inflammation,
arthritis, autoimmune disease, stomach ulcers, and multiple
3 in stock as of December 2013
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(black w/gray snowflakes) calms and soothes, putting you in
the right frame of mind to be receptive before bringing to
your attention ingrained patterns of behavior then teaches
you to value any mistakes as well as successes. It balances
the mind, body and spirit. Snowflake can help you
understand and release wrong thinking and behavior patterns
in life promoting an inner finding of self. With this
stone, feelings of isolation and loneliness stop and it will
help you, by empowering you with deep thought and acceptance
of happiness with in yourself not others. Obsidians work
extremely fast and with great power. They encourage you to
grow, lending support while we do so, bringing negative
energy to the surface and cleansing it. A strong protective
stone, obsidian shields you. At your bedside or under a
pillow it can reduce mental stress and tension while calming
the mind and body for sleep. Snowflake obsidian is a
gentler form of black obsidian and very effective for gentle
healing, so you must remember to cleanse the stone after
each time slept with it.
Physically it improves circulation, treats veins, and is
good for the skeletal system, helps digestion, detoxifies
the body, dissolves blockages and body tension, as well as
the mental tension. It reduces the pain of arthritis,
joints, cramps and heals injuries, eases pain, slows
bleeding and warms the extremities (accidents w/ injury that
cause shock), and can shrink an enlarged prostate.
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(banded golden brown) is a protective
stone that was traditionally carried as a talisman to
protect against ill will or bad luck, and is a stone of
integrity and truth to help you accomplish goals by
recognizing your inner resources and promoting clarity of
intent. Tiger eye helps you to see your personal needs and
those of other people while it differentiates between
wishful thinking and daydreaming about what you want and
what you really need. Tiger eye helps heal your self
esteem, recognizes your talents and makes them happen
through change. It energizes the body and emotions helping
to lift a sad or bad mood.
Physically tiger eye treats the eyes and aids with night
vision, heals the throat, female organs and helps with
cramps, it is also helpful with broken bones and the pain of
arthritis or growing bone pain. Tiger eye is available in
blue and red as well as brown. Blue is sometimes known as
"hawks eye".
11 in stock as of December 2013
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TURQUOISE is one of the most effective healing
stones for the body, mind, and spirit. A very protective
stone, it has been used for amulets and necklaces for
generations. It dispels negative energies, while balancing
and aligning all your chakras and attuning your physical
levels with your spiritual ones. Turquoise is very empathic
and helps with problem solving while calming and stabilizing
strong emotion or stress from illness or injury.
Physically wearing or carrying turquoise helps many deal
with cancer treatments, serious illnesses and their
treatments because it supports your immune system, helps
regenerate tissue, cleans viral infection and generally
heals the whole body, especially the eyes (including
cataracts), very helpful with stomach upset (chemo), soothes
aches and pains (arthritis, injury), this stone is wonderful
for all pain and illness.
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(mossy green w/salmon pink) is a stone of
vision, balancing emotions with your spirit as it opens
the third eye and enhances visualization. A grounding
stone, unakite will bring a calm gentle energy, and
cleanse your home or office of electromagnetic smog.
Unakite can reach back in time to correct and heal past
experiences that could limit your spiritual and emotional
growth now.
Physically Unakite is supportive for those in convalescence,
recovering from a major illness or surgery. It helps the
reproductive system, helping with pregnancy or the loss of
one, it stimulates weight gain when needed and helps with
the regrowth of skin (burns, scrapes, cuts)
5 in stock as of December 2013
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Cleansing your healing stones...
Sometimes a stone or crystal you are
strongly drawn to doesn't feel good, or
a stone that felt good previously
doesn't¹t feel good now. The stone or
crystal may need to be cleared. Clearing
is necessary before using any stone for
healing. The clearer the energy of a
healing stone, the more powerful it is.
Crystals and healing gemstones need to
be cleared as soon as they are purchased
as well as clearing after every healing.
A cleared, ready crystal feels positive
and bright, tingly and cold to the
touch. A crystal that needs clearing may
feel hot, heavy or drained. There are a
number of ways to effectively clear
crystals and gemstones.
Sea Salt
Sea salt is the most traditional
purifying agent in psychic work and
healing. It dispels any sort of dis-ease
and negativity, and is a physical and
psychic disinfectant. I feel it is the
most accepted and probably the most
powerful method of clearing crystals and
stones. I highly recommend it for the
initial cleansing of a new healing stone
and for any time a stone is overloaded
with negative energy. Salt can be mixed
with water or used dry. To use salt
water, mix a tablespoon of sea salt in a
glass or ceramic cup of cold water. Do
not use plastic or metal containers.
Place the stones in the solution and
allow to soak overnight. To use dry
salt, place the sea salt in a glass or
non-plastic container and bury the
crystals with the points facing downward
into the salt. Again, leave overnight.
Sometimes a stone may take longer to
clear, especially if it has been used in
a deep, intense healing. If this is the
case, leave another day or two in the
sea salt. When clearing gemstone
necklaces it is best to use the dry sea
salt method. Be sure to use sea salt
only, table salt contains aluminum and
other chemicals. For those who live by
the ocean, salt water can be brought
from the beach in a jar, or gently wash
them directly in the ocean.
Moonlight is another way of clearing
your gemstones. Simply place outside
from the Full to the New Moon. Waning
Moons are good times to clear crystals,
to dispel old energies, but any time
works. The amount of time used varies
with the sensitivity of the healer and
the amount of material from which the
stone needs cleansing. Try hanging your
gemstone necklaces in a tree where the
moonlight can cleanse them. (I
personally do not recommend ever placing
your crystals and gemstones in the
sunlight, many stones tend to fade their
colors in the sun. Also internal
fractures may cause your stone to crack
or break if placed in the sun.)
Other Methods That Work Well
Burying your crystal in a cupful of
dried herbs will also clear it.
Suggested herbs for this are rose
petals, sage, frankincense, myrrh, and
sandalwood. You can usually find these
at low cost at many co-ops or herb
stores. This is a gentle way to clear
crystals, and a pleasant way, but it
does take longer than sea salt.
Crystals may also be buried into the
Earth. This is especially helpful
when you feel deep cleansing is needed.
Outdoors, simply dig a hole the size of
your crystal into the Earth, place your
crystal again point down, and cover with
soil. The amount of time needed is
personal choice. Be sure to place a
Popsicle stick or some other marker to
insure you fine your stone again!!! For
apartment dwellers, use a flower pot to
bury your stone in.
A quick way to cleanse your healing
stones is to smudge them with
burning cedar or sage. Smudging is an
excellent way to make sure your stones
are purified. Simply hold the burning
sage or cedar stick while passing your
stone through the smoke. I usually do
this a couple times to ensure cleansing.
I also like to cleanse my stones by
smudging after every healing.
Finally, if you are in a hurry
and feel that your crystal needs to be
cleared, you can easily run them under
cool tap water. Make sure the points are
facing down the drain to run the
negative energy right down the sink!!!
Try to avoid warm or HOT water as this
can fracture or break your crystals.
As the water runs over the crystal
visualize the crystal as sparkly,
tingly, cold, and belonging to the

Heather & Shannon Troglauer
Mother/Daughter Team
541 Two Notch Road
Mulligan's Run Farm
Lexington, SC 29073
MRFSerenity@me.com |
Copyright © 2006 - 2010 by Mulligans Run Farm Some parts Copyright
© 2006 - 2010 by Snapped by Shannon and Whirlwind Productions, Inc.
Other trademarks and logos are the property of their owners.
All rights reserved.
