Over the years we have acquired many
abilities that others have found very useful. So we are offering them here
for your consideration. These services may change without notice so
check back often to see what's new.

Visit our links in each section below to
see our creations.
My son, Frank Jr, has an Associates Degree in Computer Animation and
a Bachelors Degree in Digital Arts and Design. Along
with his expertise and our creative efforts we can create
just about anything you need.
We have created hundreds of ads for stores and auctions.
We will be happy to create an online ad for you and send it
to our mailing list.

We provide personalized foaling
services for approved mares. Service includes:
Individual feeding program designed for your mare's
Daily monitoring for bodily changes indicating the
progression of labor
Herbs given for immune boosting and uterine toning prior
to, and immediately following foaling.
Online Camera Monitoring 24/7 as they approach their due
date. You can see your mare live!
Assistance during foaling
Monitoring of foal following birth to ensure it receives
colostrum, poops, pees and nurses in a timely manner
Monitoring mare for cleaning of placenta and
administering pain meds after

Through the expertise of Shannon we can offer you photo
shoots at your farm or any show that we are attending.
Visit her site at
www.snappedbyshannon.com to see her work.

You can not survive in today's market without a website. We strive to
provide a quality website
experience for
you and your customers, without charging you premium prices.
We work quickly and reasonably and we supply you with the
state of the art technology.
These are just a few that we have created and keep up with.

Heather & Shannon Troglauer
Mother/Daughter Team
541 Two Notch Road
Mulligan's Run Farm
Lexington, SC 29073
Copyright © 2006 - 2010 by Mulligans Run Farm Some parts Copyright
© 2006 - 2010 by Snapped by Shannon and Whirlwind Productions, Inc.
Other trademarks and logos are the property of their owners.
All rights reserved.
